The dictionary, a source for the history of lexicon: the suppression of graphical archaisms in the sixth edition of the Diccionario de la lengua castellana by the royal spanish academy (1822)


  • Enrique Jiménez Ríos Universidad de Salamanca


This article studies the graphic archaisms in the Diccionario de la lengua castellana of the Spanish Royal Academy. To do so we study the sixth edition, which stands out for addressing these types of forms. The changes made from the fifth to the sixth edition and their situation in earlier and later editions are broached, as well as the reasons that led them to take place at that time. The nature of the graphic archaisms eliminated is also analysed (characteristics, typology, date it appeared in the language and in the dictionary, textual documentation, etc.) and compared to the other graphic archaisms that were maintained in the dictionary. The impact of this decision by the Academy for the history of the language is then addressed. It is concluded that with this suppression the Academy modernized the dictionary and made progress towards its being considered a work destined to offer the language in use; however, at the same time we have lost information relating to the history of the words, which would be typical of the dictionary as a didactic work.


archaism, spelling, dictionary, Spanish Royal Academy