An approach to the problem of psychological and psychiatric expertise in penal practice


  • Tamara Galleguillos Psiquiatra, Departamento de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria, Universidad de Chile
  • Leonardo Medeiros Psicólogo clínico, Centro de Asistencia a Víctimas de Atentados Sexuales (CAVAS). Clínica de Atención Psicológica, Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Chile


The roles of the expert psychologist and Clinical Psychiatrist are analyzed in relation with penal practice and modern criminological research. A revision of the historical critical development of penal practice, as well as discourse in relation with the problem of truth, contributed by Michel Foucault, are discussed. The main conceptual elements that underlie the praxis of the expert are analyzed, where tensions exist between two similar and dissimilar disciplinary areas: the psychological and clinical psychiatric, and Law. Finally, the future of clinical forensic psychiatrists and psychologists are suggested in terms of incorporating the notion of "dangerous individual", an entity which marks some of the cultural and social changes of our times.


Legal speech, legal truth, forensic psychiatric evaluation, forensic psychology