Health programs and digital divide


  • Adela Mesa del Olmo Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


In 2008, the State administration approved the “Health on line” program as a guide for the introduction in Spain of ICT in the health field. In a previous study we have verified the absence of specific plans of electronic health in the autonomous communities. However, different health programs have been implemented in the different autonomous communities. Obviously, the greater extension of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) the better for the implementation of such program; However, there are still gaps that divide the connected from the unconnected and this can also generate inequalities in health and healthcare. Are there e-health plans in the autonomous communities? So that, are the e-health plans of the autonomous communities in Spain adequately set up in a way that encourages digital inclusion? Do the Autonomous Communities have their own way of dealing with this issue? Among the findings, we highlight that the e-health plans of the Autonomous Regions rarely include references to alleviate the digital divide in health. We conclude, highlighting the mimicry of the Autonomous Communities in this issue regarding the State, unloading in this superior entity the responsibility for the implementation of e-health in the state territory.


E-health, E-inclusion, Public Plans, ICTs, Autonomous Communities.


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