Post-ministerial private careers in Ecuador (2000-2017): is there life after the cabinet?



 The link between politics and the private sector is a constant subject of speculation. It is common to hear that being part of the ministerial cabinet immediately translates to starting a new life in the private sector. Therefore, this research provides information about the frequency of the post-ministerial private careers in Ecuador and determines if the individual resources impact in their development. The empirical implications are tested with an original dataset of 230 Ecuadorian ministers (2000-2017). The results show that 67% ministers circulate towards the private sector, and 50% of ministers move towards a business position. Statistic models show that individual resources such as tenure in office, affiliation with the party of the president, or being a lawyer explain this type of ministerial behavior. In addition, experience in the business field and gender influence the probability of starting a life outside the ministerial cabinet.


ministers , cabinets, post-careers, Ecuador, private sector


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