Analysis of the strong forms in simple past in four fragments of spanish mediaeval texts
P Fernández Martín
Departamento de Lengua Española, Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
There aim of this paper is twofold: on the one hand, to determinate the frequency of Simple Past Tense forms in strong verbs is to analizes in written Spanish texts between XII and XIV century. On the other hand, to verify whether the verbs in Modern Spanish which keep on using strong forms in Simple Past Tense are the same verbs which undergo a strong process of gramaticalization in numerous idioms or verbal periphrasis. Thus, the main conclusion will take into account that the frequency of usage of the Simple Past Tense forms in some strong verbs remains the same in spite of being apparently irregular. This might allow us to think that the more frequently used a word is used, the fewer are the chances that that word changes.
Fernández Martín, P. (2009). Analysis of the strong forms in simple past in four fragments of spanish mediaeval texts. Boletín De Filología, 44(2), Pág. 65–87. Retrieved from