Every caligram (a poem whose verses are written drawing scenes)conveys a tremendous impact not only from a rhythmical, but alsofrom a visual point of view. Such compositions should be perceivedthrough a double perspective: so much as a reading item as a visualobject. We are taken to a realm where we have poems which holdthe soul of a painting. Although "Fuerzas naturales" maintains aunique rhythm, it represents a clear example of the caligram genreinasmuch as it shows the strong coherence that binds together bothHuidobro's theoretical background and the type of writing that givesbirth to such original poems. The poetic sign is enriched by theaffinity in the confluence between the sound of each word plus thesense brought to us by the figure depicted by the poem we read andobserve at the same time.
Vásquez Solano, C. (2008). Fuerzas naturales: on writing and rhythm in a poem by Vicente Huidobro. Boletín De Filología, 43(2), Pág. 221–237. Retrieved from https://sintesisdejurisprudencia.uchile.cl/index.php/BDF/article/view/18062