This work explores the narrative function of Spanish past anterior( hubo llegado, PA) in passages taken from Don Quixote. The study shows that, in this corpus, PA is typically used in subordinate temporal clauses that introduce vendlerian achievements in narratives. Although these achievements are part of the temporal foreground of the narrative, PA subordinates them to a main clause, treating them as part of narrative background. When PA operates on a non punctualsituation (vendlerian states, activities or accomplishments), it triggersan aspectual coercion to achievement. PA comunicates very dynamic events that evoke speed, violence or emotion.
past anterior, Spanish verbal system, narrative, aspect, aspectual coercion
Soto, G. (2013). On narrative function of Spanish past anterior. Boletín De Filología, 48(1), Pág. 201 – 215. Retrieved from