This article addresses the discursive construction of the event «the burning of churches», which occurred in the context of the so-called «Mapuche conflict». This study aims to analyze the ways in which the written press builds the event «burning of churches», to characterize the representation of the Mapuche people and to reflect upon the role of memory in the conformation and interpretation of this event. The selected theoretical approach corresponds to French Discourse Analysis, specifically Siblot’s (1997), Moirand’s (2007) and Veniard’s (2013) strands. The corpus is made of texts published in various national newspapers (El Mercurio, La Tercera, The Clinic, Radio BíoBío and Publimetro), dated between March 2016 and January 2018.
Discourse Analysis, Mapuche conflict, memory and media
Segovia Lacoste, P., Osorio Zúñiga F., Aillon Neumann, M., & Basulto Gallegos, Óscar. (2020). The discursive construction of the event “burning of churches” in the context of the mapuche conflict: a look from the discourse analysis. Boletín De Filología, 54(2), pp. 319–349. Retrieved from