The purpose of this work is to analyze the catholic language, an artificial a posteriori system devised by the surgeon of the Chilean Navy Alberto Liptay (1859-1922). The project is an exquisite model of rationality, and one of the few systems in Spanish, but it hardly had recognition among its contemporaries, perhaps because the author declared himself only an amateur philologist. A careful study of his numerous contributions offers, however, very suggestive ideological readings of the author that largely determined the configuration of his linguistic proposal.
Alberto Liptay, naturalist a posteriori constructed languages, catholic tongue, ideology
Author Biography
Carmen Galán Rodríguez, Universidad de Extremadura
U. de Extremadura, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filología Hispánica y Lingüística General.
Galán Rodríguez, C. (2020). Alberto Liptay’s catholic language. Boletín De Filología, 55(1), pp. 245–272. Retrieved from