Public Procurement Objectives From an International Perpective. Why it Necessary to control procurement and what causes Inefficient Control?


  • Iván Ochsenius Robinson Universidad de Zaragoza


On the basis of the title of this article, some will wonder whether there are other objectives of public procurement in addition to providing supplies for State institutions to fulfill their social mandate? The answer is yes. And to achieve those objectives, control is vital, as the resulting information can be used to improve future performance. The aim of this article is to focus on the importance and objectives of public procurement from the perspective of several international organizations and authors, highlighting the situation in the countries of the European Union and America. In addition to this, the article also aims to show the importance of control in this area, the implementation constraints, and the key role it plays in achieving a process that is in line with current demand. At present, a vast number of governments are still unclear as to what is being bought, how it is bought and who is buying, as well as how much is being spent; all these factors are largely conducive to the current dysfunctions in this area and therefore require control.


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