Your ‘piropo’ violents me! Towards a definition of Street sexual harassment as a kind of gender violence


  • Javiera Arancibia Garrido Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Marco Billi Universidad de Chile; Universitá Bocconi de Milán
  • María José Guerrero González Universidad de Playa Ancha; Universidad de Chile


This article stems from the growing relevance that the phenomenon of street harassment has taken both in Chile and in a growing number of countries (Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Nicaragua, Mexico, United States, Canada, England, Belgium, Egypt, among others), and from the necessity of systematize a suitable frame for the concept, both for the scientific analysis as to promote public policies and private interventions for it reduction and prevention. Therefore, these article aims therefore to theorize, based on a variety of definitions existing in the scientific literature, a concept of street sexual harassment considering five analytical dimensions: the sexual connotation, the interaction between strangers, its occurrence on the public space, the potential to generate discomfort and its unidirectionality. This, in turn, allows to problematize the phenomenon from its specific features with respect to other forms of gender violence, and to propose a reflection on its social relevance as a source of conflict, restriction of well-being and gender inequality.


Street harassment, Gender violence, Gender inequality